Mystery, Third Person
Developer: Wadjet Eye Games
Release: 2006
Home Screenshots Review Walkthrough Videos Saves
"Russell Stone is a Jewish Rabbi at a poor synagogue in New York City. He is a devout man with a problem. Membership is way down and he lacks the funds to keep his synagogue open. Things are looking very bleak, and he has grown progressively more cynical and bitter with the passage of time. Just as he is on the verge of packing it all in, he receives some interesting news. A former member of his congregation has died and left the Rabbi a significant amount of money. A blessing? Or the start of something far more sinister? Can Rabbi Stone just accept the money and move on? His conscience says no. Step into his shoes as he travels all over Manhattan in his attempt to uncover the truth."
Στα [-]
• Μετά τά Lunar Deep καί Force Majeure II, έρχεται καί το Shivah για ν' αναδείξει την μπαχαλοκατάσταση πού αρχίζει να επικρατεί πλέον στην κατηγορία των Ανεξάρτητων Παραγωγών. Παιχνίδια πού μέχρι πρό τινος μόνο σάν Freewares θα μπορούσαν νά είχαν κυκλοφορήσει -- καί θάπρεπε να λένε κι ευχαριστώ αν τά πρόσεχε κανείς -- ξαφνικά μεγαλοπιάστηκαν κι άρχισαν νά ζητούν ένα αντίτιμο -- μικρό ή μεγάλο, δέν έχει σημασία -- πού σίγουρα δέν τό αξίζουν.
• Ο Dave Gilbert δεν είναι τυχαίος. Εχει μιάν αρκετά μεγάλη ιστορία στα freewares και αρκετά προσόντα. Η εμφάνιση του παιχνιδιού θυμίζει τά παλιά τής Sierra, οι φωνές είναι άψογες, η μουσική του δημιουργεί ατμόσφαιρα, αλλά τι να τά κάνεις όλ' αυτά όταν η έκταση τού παιχνιδιού εξαντλείται σέ 4 οθόνες, η ιστορία είναι τραβηγμένη από τά μαλλιά κι οι γρίφοι του δέν ξεπερνούν τόν αριθμό 5...
Βαθμολογία: 1/5
Mystery, Third Person
Developer: Wadjet Eye Games
Release: 2013
Home Screenshots Review Walkthrough Videos Saves
"Russell Stone is a Jewish Rabbi at a poor synagogue in New York City. He is a devout man with a problem. Membership is way down and he lacks the funds to keep his synagogue open. Things are looking very bleak, and he has grown progressively more cynical and bitter with the passage of time. Just as he is on the verge of packing it all in, he receives some interesting news. A former member of his congregation has died and left the Rabbi a significant amount of money. A blessing? Or the start of something far more sinister? Can Rabbi Stone just accept the money and move on? His conscience says no. Step into his shoes as he travels all over Manhattan in his attempt to uncover the truth."
Στα [+] καί [-]
• Βελτιωμένη οπτικοακουστικά επανέκδοση.