Science Fiction, Third Person

Developer: Gaming Corps
Release: 2016

Home Screenshots Review Walkthrough Videos Saves

"After a man-made extinction event left the earth’s atmosphere toxic, a small number of people were hand-picked to survive the apocalypse, cryogenically suspended in underground bunkers known as Arks. Centuries passed, and all the Arks reopened, except one, Ark-01. Taking place across two timelines, in the past you’ll play as Mia, a janitor tasked with keeping the precious descendants housed within Ark-01 alive while the facility continually fails around her, and in the present, you’ll play as Donnie, one of the investigators trying to rescue any surviving descendants trapped within, all while discovering a far greater conspiracy buried within the underground Ark complex. Every action and choice you make directly impacts who lives and who dies, leaving the fate of Ark-01, and mankind itself, in your hands. Will you save mankind? Or doom us all?"

Science Fiction, Third Person

Developer: Gaming Corps
Release: 2016

Home Screenshots Review Walkthrough Videos Saves

"Mia and Silas clash over the fallout of another crisis that threatens the lives of the descendants, and Donnie works with Randolph to make Ark01 operational again, uncovering a shocking revelation about their mission. Who lives, who dies, and the fate of the new world rest solely in your hands. Will you save humanity or will you doom us all?"

Science Fiction, Third Person

Developer: Gaming Corps
Release: 2016

Home Screenshots Review Walkthrough Videos Saves

"Silas is forced to face the consequences of his actions, Randolph reveals his reasons for being in Ark-01, while Donnie ventures deeper into the Ark and makes a deadly discovery."

Science Fiction, Third Person

Developer: Gaming Corps
Release: 2016

Home Screenshots Review Walkthrough Videos Saves

"Donnie and Randolph are forced to put their differences aside and work together to achieve their mission, while Mia awakens to find the Ark and everything within it changed forever, and faces off against the last danger she could have ever expected. Who lives, who dies, and the fate of the new world rests solely in your hands. Will you save humanity or will you doom us all? "

Science Fiction, Third Person

Developer: Gaming Corps
Release: 2016

Home Screenshots Review Walkthrough Videos Saves

"With the planet destroyed, only a few thousand ‘descendants of humanity’ were hand-picked to survive, cryogenically suspended in underground bunkers known as Arks. Centuries passed. The world recovered and all the Arks reopened, except one — Ark-01. Taking place across two timelines, in the past you’ll play as Mia, a janitor tasked with keeping the precious descendants housed within Ark-01 alive while the facility continually fails around her, and in the present, you’ll play as Donnie, one of the investigators trying to rescue any surviving descendants trapped within, all while discovering a far greater conspiracy buried within the underground Ark complex."

• • •

Στα [+]
•  Η ενδιαφέρουσα, γεμάτη από ανατροπές κι ερωτηματικά ιστορία.
•  Ο εξαιρετικός τρόπος εξιστόρησης, μέ εναλλαγές ηρώων καί χρονικών περιόδων.

Στα [-]
•  Τό απλοικό καί συχνά-πυκνά βαρετό gameplay ακολουθεί τόν δρόμο πού χάραξαν οι εμπορικές επιτυχίες τής Telltale μέ τούς εύκολους γρίφους, τήν υποδεικνυόμενη δράση, τίς υποχρεωτικές επιλογές πού πρέπει νά κάνεις σέ διάφορα σημεία τού παιχνιδιού καί μιά πληθώρα διαλόγων, συνοδευόμενων από τά κοντινά πλάνα τών προσώπων τών ηρώων πού αναδεικνύουν τίς εκφράσεις τους, κατά τά κινηματογραφικά πρότυπα.
•  Η πολύ μικρή διάρκεια τών επεισοδίων.
•  Τό Χολλυγουντιανό ΗρωικοΔακρύβρεκτο στύλ τών δυό τελευταίων επεισοδίων πού το καταδικάζουν πλέον οριστικά κι αμετάκλητα.

•  Γιά τούς οπαδούς τής νέας τάσης πού αρχίζει νά επικρατεί πλέον στό χώρο τών adventures καί πού τά θέλει νά μετατρέπονται σέ υποκατάστατα κινηματογραφικών ταινιών πρός χάρη τής πολυπληθούς παιδικο-εφηβικής ηλικίας, τής πολυπληθούς κοινότητας τών ηλιθίων καί, κατά συνέπεια, τού ταμείου.

Βαθμολογία: 0,5/5

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