First Person

Developer: Yars
Release: 2018

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"Waking up in the hospital after a serious operation, go on a long journey through the empty places from the memory of the main character. You have to control the character, whose path runs through an abandoned prison, part of the hospital, the forest and even secret underground facilities. Who am I and where am I going to be lucky enough to find out only at the end! Any turn can turn into an interesting adventure, but it can also be an unpleasant surprise."

•  Μιά εικοσάλεπτη συνεχής διαδρομή, ελαφρά λαβυρινθοειδής καί πασπαλισμένη μέ κάποιες παιδικής έμπνευσης παγίδες, μέσα από ένα εντελώς άχρηστο κι αδιάφορο περιβάλλον...

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